In Quantum Biofeedback, a flow of energy connects every cell, organ, thought and emotion. The ease or the interference of this flow of energy reflects a profound system of communication that demonstrates the body / mind intelligence.
The IMAET System is the ultimate Biohacking tool that receives information from the body and balances the overworked body and brings it into balance by supporting the body's communications through cells. The overall result is lowered physical and emotional stress.
Quantum Biofeedback is a cutting-edge technology that utilizes the principles of quantum physics to help individuals achieve optimal wellness. By measuring and analyzing the body's subtle energy fields, Quantum Biofeedback can provide valuable insights into stress relief, physical ailments, and emotional issues. This non-invasive and painless therapy is a powerful tool for promoting balance and harmony within the body, leading to improved overall health and well-being.
The body field is accessed through harnesses (bands for the head, wrists and ankles) providing a comprehensive reading of the body’s stressors, inner conflicts, and blockages offering new solutions for health and wellness. It is important that you are in a relaxed position, either sitting in a comfortable chair or lying on a massage table. Hour and a half visits are perfect for your initial session, but all others can be 30 minutes.
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